Golden Crunchies

I have no idea of the origins of the original recipe for Golden Crunchies other than the dog eared, rather stained and well used and nostalgic pages of an old family recipe book. They have been a family favourite for generations and are always baked for family holidays, school lunches and all the times in between.

Chances are you have your own version of this recipe too and if you don't live in South Africa, you have probably made something pretty similar only they were called Oat Cookies or some variation thereof. Golden Crunchies being a rather self explanatory and I think rather South African name for these treats. 

I mean nothing beats early morning sunrise drives in the bush with a cup of steaming coffee and a golden crunchie. Well now I want to go to the bush...and eat golden crunchies...if only!  The thing with these treats is that they really are nostalgic for me. The kitchen at the farm with my granny, family trips as a child to the dam, tea-time sitting with someone special, baking with my own children when they were little (now they make them themselves). They have been a family favourite for so long. And they are so good...

I hope you make some, pop them on a beautiful plate (we have some lovely options in our Vintage & Antiques) and share them with someone special. 


- 1 cup sugar

-1 cup flour

- 1 cup shredded coconut

- 2 cups oats

- 250g margarine/butter

- 3ml bicarbonate of soda

- 15ml golden syrup

- 2 ml salt

Melt your butter and syrup and add bicarbonate of soda. Add dry ingredients and combine. Flatten into a baking tray and bake at 180 degrees Celsius on the top shelf of the oven for about 10 minutes or until they start to look golden. Cut into squares while hot and then place on a cooling rack while you make yourself a cuppa. If you are feeling a little extra, melt a few blocks of dark chocolate and drizzle it over while they are cooling. 

Disclaimer: We double this recipe (it doesn't help them last any longer)

Golden Crunchies Shedlock House


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